Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Human Oil Spill

There are some big movements happening in the West Virginia area of the Appalachian mountains where activists are blockading upon a road where coal trucks travel mined fossil fuels out of the sources in the mountains that no longer have tops, thanks to the extraction of coal in this area...

You can read more about it on the FaceBook event page here:

And also more about the entire ongoing project here:

It was something I wanted to be a part of, but now, looking at my funds, I am finding it difficult to commit to.

there is something happening in my home state of Vermont that is much more feasible for me to be a part of, and just as important: A Human Oil Spill!

The basic gist of this is there will be a conference going on regarding crude oil pipelines and the like, that the public isn't invited to - so, we're gonna make a scene (nonviolently, of course) by wearing black and literally "spilling" into view of the parties we're intending to influence...then upon leaving, take off the black layer of clothing and reveal earth colors to symbolize that we can clean up this Oil Spill.

Here's a quote from the event page:
"The first protest will be held at noon on the 29th, followed by a human oil spill -hosted by 350 Vermont- at 2:00. The Regional Gathering will be held at 4:00 to keep up momentum. We'll be planning nonviolent resistence against the Trailbreaker pipeline, Northern Pass and Vermont Yankee, as well as the future of occupation in the New England region.

So join your neighbors from across New England and Eastern Canada in kicking off two days of resistance against the Trailbreaker pipeline, Northern Pass, Vermont Yankee and all the issues that affect the people across our regions!

Bring pots, pans and camping gear... this is going to be the ONE event you CAN'T miss!"
You can read more about the Burlington, VT Human Oil Spill, as well as find out about how to get involved, here:

Hope to see you there!

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