Saturday, June 30, 2012

Health and Beauty: Lightening your hair naturally UPDATE

So here's the before...

And here's the after...

Mostly I've been using the vitamin C and dandruff shampoo method on a daily basis for about a week...I did try the peroxide/honey/baking soda method today and decided the results were weaker than the prior method, and the stench was just too much too handle. I never noticed the smell of hydrogen peroxide before today, but it definitely smelled of bleach...and it was a most uncomfortable feeling: stinging, burning...that applies not only to my scalp, but my nostrils as well!

So, I'm continuing with the Vitamin C/Dandruff shampoo method until I achieve my desired hair color. I'll post as I get closer and closer to the goal with images, so stay tuned!


  1. I think the lighter color compliments your eyes better. I am glad you found a method that is working.

  2. Thanks, Rachel! I really think it was just the lighting, though, because usually when my hair is black my eye color pops out of the darkness (which is why I liked the black in the first place).
    The first picture I took was with the window (natural light) behind me, and the after picture was taken with the window facing me...but thre is definitely something to say about the reddish tint to the new color that compliments the green...
    Anyhoo, Thanks again!

  3. How do you do the vitamin C treatment?
